The New Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library
"Cornerstone of the Community"

30 January 2007

"Topping Off" Ceremony Marks Construction Milestone

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

A handful of spectators watched Tuesday afternoon as the ceremonial "topping-off" beam was hoisted and bolted into place in the new Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library. The beam-- identified in blueprints as "Ajax #1" -- marks an important milestone in the construction of the new building.

The beam had been signed by several dozen residents and officials who wanted to be part of town history. More than a decade in planning, the new library is seen as the cornerstone of efforts to revitalize the Stillwater Mill complex in Harrisville, the town's central village. The project is on schedule to open no later than late spring 2008.

"I am thrilled by the many encouraging messages written on the beam by library patrons, town officials and other well-wishers of all ages," said Library Director Sandra P. Mundy, who witnessed the topping off with Town Manager Michael C. Wood and a few others. Among the messages written on the beam were memorials to earlier library officials Gladys Gaucher, Winifred Thompson, and Amy Cavanaugh.

The ongoing construction draws a crowd of spectators most days, including a number of men and women who once worked at the old mill. Next time you pass through Harrisville, be sure to take a look.

25 January 2007

Burrillville Residents Invited to Sign "Topping Off" Beam

With work progressing at a rapid pace on the new Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library, town residents, library patrons, and all other interested people are invited to be a part of history by signing the steel beam that will be used to complete the frame of the new building.

Topping-off marks a significant milestone in the project, which began last summer. Once the steel frame is complete, workers will move immediately to building the floors, walls and roof.

The beam is expected to be hoisted into place on Tuesday, January 30, 2007, during a traditional "topping-off" ceremony.

The beam will be available for signing from 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. Monday, January 29th, and again on Tuesday until it is actually hoisted into place. The exact time of the hoisting will not be determined until sometime Monday.

The beam— and its signatures— will last as long as the library, which has a life expectancy of several decades. An American flag that will be used in the topping-off ceremony will also be preserved for future generations.

For history of the new-library project, along with photographs, design plans, at-least-weekly construction reports, the Stillwater Memories page, and much more, please use the links on this page.

24 January 2007

Presto Change-o!

Look what popped up in the last few days. . . a LIBRARY BUILDING! Talk about moving fast: last weekend there was only a foundation and now we see walls rising. Well, steel frames anyway.

The masonry for the main stairwell leading to the second floor Children's wing is now also complete.