The New Jesse M. Smith Memorial Library
"Cornerstone of the Community"

22 August 2006

What We're Dealing With

A site that for more than a century and a half has been used for industry.

And no one, of course, kept detailed records of what buildings were razed when or what is buried at Stillwater. Who knows what else lies beneath where our library will be built? Drillings have revealed a potpouri of debris, which we must excavate before we can lay the foundation. Folks, this is an archaelogical dig -- and the uncertainties of this phase are one big reason that costs have gone up since the original estimates, more than two years ago. Most recent example of The Unknowns That Await Us: We have found a hidden drain line we never knew existed.

From the Architect's notes from the most recent weekly construction meeting: ``Sherman and Dan discussed the additional drain line at the south end of the site. Dan believes it is a culvert carrying the stream away from a pond in the neighborhood on the other side of Harrisville Main Street. Sherman will locate it on the site plan and as well as the utility company shut-off valves from the old water line at the south end.''

Sherman Vogelaar is with our contractor, and Dan Joubert is our clerk of the works.